3 Ways to Be a Smooth Talker with a Speech Impediment

When you have a speech impediment, it can feel intimidating and stressful to connect with others.

You might fear their judgment, feel embarrassed or insecure, or even feel that you’ll be bullied.

The reality is that your speech shouldn’t get in the way of your happiness. Your speech is just one part of your awesome personality.

Read on to learn how you can embrace your impediment and get out of your own way.

1. Acknowledge It

Let’s get one thing straight right away — chances are, the people around you have noticed your speech impediment.

Whether your stutter, have a lisp, or just struggle to speak in a way others can understand, we know that sometimes the hardest thing about it is helping the people in your life to understand it.

They may feel like they’ll insult you if they ask you questions. They may offer unwanted advice. Or, worst of all, they may ignore it altogether, creating awkward situations for everyone.

Even if it’s difficult, it’s up to you to acknowledge your speech.

Not only will this end the “elephant in the room” feeling, but it will also give the people you care about a chance to understand what it’s like and to get their questions answered.

2. Joke About It

You know what they say — laughter is the best medicine.

And if you can make a joke about your speech impediment, you’re showing others that you’re confident about it and don’t let it get in your way.

You don’t need to be self-deprecating all of the time, but making a funny joke about your stutter at your own expense will help other people to feel more comfortable around you.

Plus, they’ll start to see you as a unique and fun person — not as someone who is defined by their impediment.

3. Get Out There

If you really want to learn to embrace your impediment, you need to stop getting in your own way.

The reality is that the reactions that you are afraid other people will have about your speech are likely not going to happen — they’re just in your head.

You just have to give the kindness of others the opportunity to surprise you. Remember, everyone has their struggle, and just because you can’t see or hear those of others doesn’t mean they’re not fighting something, too.

So get out there and start talking to as many people as you can — it gets easier every time!

Want To Connect With Others With A Speech Impediment?

While we hope that the advice in this post has helped you to feel more confident about your speech and your interactions with others, we know that sometimes, you just want to talk to people who get it.

Looking for more advice about how to live your best life, no matter what mental or physical challenges you face?

Be sure to check out our blog for the latest tips. Then, head over to our online community to connect with others who know exactly what you’re going through.


  1. Johanna Elik

    March 19, 2018 at 4:37 pm

    I would like to connect with others who have a speech impediment. I am trying to adjust to how my voice and speech sounds now..while it continues to deteriorate. . Doing my best, but it is difficult. Hoping to be able to get an assistive/agumenative device to speak for me.

  2. ashuck11

    March 29, 2018 at 4:16 pm

    Right now my mom has to help me

  3. Glenda

    April 4, 2018 at 1:06 pm

    I understand how the members feel, I have two sons who are austic have problems meeting people, so I am going to introduce this website to them and monitor the activity to see how they feel about it. I am glad to know it is something here for special need adults with disabilties.

  4. narsatya

    October 7, 2018 at 4:59 am

    I have speaking difficulty due to anxiety while recording myself by a cam.

  5. Mason

    November 5, 2020 at 8:58 pm

    I have trouble saying the letter R, got made fun of in school because of it so I created the English language without it. I avoid all words that have an r in them. It took time and practice and now no one knows I have one. But some people think I’m stupid if they ask a question like what’s your moms maiden name? I’ll either make one up or say I don’t know. Her maiden name is Roorda. If I say idk, that’s when I get the stupid looks. Maybe I made things worse by doing this. It has made me quit Jobs that I loved, in school I’d always spend the whole period in the bathroom if I knew we were reading out loud from the book. But now I am trying real hard to mentally get over it. Not fix it( I’ve tried) but just not care about it anymore.

  6. Ryder Kessel Hunter

    June 29, 2022 at 7:49 pm

    I have lived with a speech defect my whole life and having been taking speech therapy for over 5 years and it is still is there


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