How Physical Disabilities Can Help People Discover New Hobbies

physical disabilities

More than 61 million Americans have a disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s an average of one in four. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with autism disorder, cerebral palsy, or a physical disability, there are many healthy ways to adjust to living with those conditions.

One way to cope with physical disabilities is by discovering new hobbies. Read on to learn practical tips on how to find which hobbies are right for you.

Find Freedom Through Technology

For disabled folks who find mobility difficult, technology can help them experience the world, improve their well-being, and even enhance cognitive skills from the comfort and safety of their home.

Video games carry a stigma for some, but the benefits of using technology to interact with others are clear. The advent of virtual reality has made exploring the world easier than ever. The online game Second Life, for example, allows people to interact in real-life situations through custom avatars.

Men and women with disabilities are at higher risk of depression. By working toward goals online, homebound men and women can enjoy a sense of accomplishment that can reduce the chances of depression.

Video games are also proven to improve cognitive skills. Critical thinking, reading, and decision-making are just a few of the important skills that can be cultivated by playing online games.

Joining others in online video games can reduce feelings of social isolation. Online gaming allows you or a loved one to make new friends and become a part of communities. This can be invaluable for someone who struggles to interact with others.


Whether it is done indoors or outside, gardening is a fun hobby. You can work in a garden as big or small as you want. This type of activity can be ideal for someone who requires the use of a wheelchair.

Raised gardening allows disabled people to easily access plants. The known benefits of gardening include the pleasure of seeing plants grow and thrive. Whether you grow produce to sell or simply want to enjoy the joy of seeing a beautiful rose, consider investing in window boxes, terrariums, or raised gardens.


Sports may not be the first thing someone with a physical disability considers, but there are many adaptive sports and contests specifically designed for folks with disabilities. The Special Olympics is a top-tier option, but pretty much all sports can be adapted for use by handicapped and disabled persons.

Adaptive sports are generally divided to meet the needs of three groups: people with disabilities, the deaf, and men and women with intellectual liabilities. There are even sporting events specifically for the deaf and/or blind.

Hunting and Fishing

A physical disability shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the outdoors. Hunting and fishing are great sports that can be enjoyed outdoors by people with a range of disabilities. Adaptive equipment can help you or a loved one enjoy fishing or hunting while developing a love for nature.

Many professional hunting and fishing groups offer competitions and group activities that assist the disabled.

Learn an Instrument

Whether it be singing, playing the piano, or picking up drums, instruments are emotionally rewarding and accessible to disabled folks. You can start by buying an instrument and watching online tutorials, but one of the most effective ways to learn is by hiring an instructor. That important personal relationship can further expand your social connections while giving you tools to enjoy the beauty of music-making.

Care for a Pet

Did you know having a pet is a great stress reliever? Many hospitals have therapy pets. A dog or cat can end feelings of isolation.

Pets rely on their owners. This fulfills a need to take care of someone.

Be mindful of what type of pet you choose. Large dogs need to be walked regularly, for example. Cats require minimal work to take care of.

If you have never owned a pet, you may be surprised how authentic that relationship can be. Many people see their pets as personal friends or even family.


Scrapbooking is a popular and relaxing hobby. If you have difficulty with fine motor skills due to cerebral palsy, for example, you can access software that allows you to construct the pages online before downloading them. That way, you don’t have to worry about fumbling with scissors and tape.

If you can manage cutting and taping, many retail stores offer supply kits for scrapbooking. Both children and adults enjoy working with various papers and stamping supplies.

Horseback Riding

Also known as hippotherapy, the use of horseback riding as a therapy has evolved over the past 30 years. Horseback riding is commonly used as an effective form of rehabilitation.

Instructors can guide disabled folks on the basics of caring for horses and riding them. For the physically disabled, horseback riding adds a sense of freedom of movement.

Learn More Tips on Living With Physical Disabilities

Learning that you have a physical disability can does not mean you have to lose activities that bring you joy. In fact, it may be a great opportunity to learn new hobbies. Many sports and activities can easily be modified to match your abilities, both physically and mentally.

Have you wondered what physical disabilities mean for your dating life? At Special Bridge, our family-owned social community helps people with disabilities interface with people who have similar abilities and needs. Contact us today to join our inclusive community.

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