Aspergers and Friendships: Learn the Social Skills to Succeed

One of the most common symptoms of Aspergers Syndrome is a lack of social skills.

Those with the syndrome have a hard time understanding what is going on around them, at least in a social sense. They find eye-contact to be uncomfortable. Showing empathy is hard. Following the rules of basic conversation isn’t always easy.

For many, Aspergers and friendships just don’t mix. However, we can all learn social skills. No matter our age or state, everyone can learn the social societal rules.

Have you been diagnosed with Aspergers? Do you want to be able to have friendships and flourish in social environments?

If so, continue reading! We’ll cover tips on how to build social skills.

1. Know Where You Stand

Before setting out to improve your social skills, know where you stand on them.

Are you worried about anxiety, failure, and rejection? Do you find it hard to be enthusiastic about learning social skills? Do you have social limits?

Knowing where you stand in regards to learning social skills is a must.

It’s okay if only want to learn certain social skills. Maybe you want to know how to hold a conversation. But, you aren’t interested in office politics or small talk.

Know what social skills you desire and work towards them.

2. Make Peace With Your Condition

Many people with Aspergers struggle with their identity. You won’t gain confidence in social settings until you accept your Asperger traits.

Know that it’s okay to not be a social butterfly. It’s acceptable that you’re socially awkward. With enough willpower and want, you can learn new social skills.

3. Practice

Practicing your social skills is one of the best ways to master them. Practice having conversations with people you know. Start with short conversations and gradually move into longer ones.

When conversing:

  • Practice proper greetings
  • Use conversation starters such as “how are you”?
  • Talk about a topic, such as a movie or band
  • Understand silent conversation cues.

Aspergers and friendships may not be smooth sailing at first. But, with enough practice, you’ll feel more comfortable in social settings.

4. Embrace the Continuous Journey

Many think that early adolescence is a time to search for one’s identity and purpose. As an adult, you’re expected to know every bit of who you are.

For most of us, this isn’t true.

When learning social skills, understand that you will always be learning and growing. As time passes, social skills will become second nature. But, be prepared for mistakes and setbacks.

The key is to focus on bettering yourself each day. Seek out conversations and focus on listening. Be open to having positive interactions with others.

Aspergers and Friendships: Wrap Up

Aspergers may make socializing harder, but you can successfully learn social skills.

To further improve your social skills, why not join a social community meant for people just like you?

At Special Bridge, we can match you with people who have similar interests and abilities. Here, you can work on your skills and start new friendships.

We know that in person connections can be difficult. Start fine tuning your social skills with online connections. Get started towards a more social you!

Contact Special Bridge today to be part of a growing social community.


  1. Rocky

    September 12, 2017 at 4:21 pm

    My name is Diane

  2. Robin

    May 15, 2018 at 3:28 am



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