9 Stereotypes About Autism and Dating Debunked

Autism & Dating

As a young adult on the autism spectrum, you might have heard some not-so-encouraging messages about your ability to date and find love. You may have been told that you’re “too different” or that someone with autism can’t make a relationship work. But we want you to know that this isn’t true! Autism can bring an amazing array of strengths into a relationship — far more than many people realize — and these original perspectives can be the stepping stone toward creating something meaningful and lasting. In this blog post, we’ll be breaking down stereotypes about autism and dating to open up new possibilities and show just how vibrant life can become when someone is willing to set aside assumptions they had previously acquired. So join us as we explore what a successful romantic partnership looks like when one partner has autism!

1. People with autism can’t make relationships work

This one is obviously false — people with autism are capable of making meaningful and lasting connections with others just like anyone else! It might take longer for someone on the spectrum to open up and become comfortable in a relationship, but it is possible to learn how to be an excellent partner over time.

2. People with autism can’t express emotion

Again, this is simply untrue! Many people on the autism spectrum can feel and show emotions in the same way as anyone else — it just looks different for them. They might not be as outwardly expressive as someone who isn’t on the spectrum, but that doesn’t mean they’re not capable of feeling and communicating.

3. People with autism can’t read body language

This is another common misconception that simply isn’t true — many people on the spectrum are quite adept at reading body language and understanding social cues, just like anyone else! It might take some extra effort to learn these skills, but it can be done.

4. People with autism don’t understand feelings

This is false — people on the spectrum are often very in tune with their own emotions and can recognize them in others as well. It might take some extra time for someone to figure out how to articulate what they’re feeling, but that doesn’t mean they don’t understand emotions.

5. People with autism don’t have a sense of humor

This is also untrue! People on the spectrum can often be quite funny and witty — they just might express it in different ways than someone who isn’t on the spectrum. It’s important to keep an open mind when getting to know someone with autism, as their sense of humor might be different than what you’re used to.

6. People with autism can’t show affection

Again, this is false — people on the spectrum are just as capable of expressing love and affection as anyone else. It might look different for them, but they can still make romantic gestures like cuddling, holding hands, or kissing their partner.

7. People with autism can’t handle conflict

This is not true! Many people on the spectrum can recognize when there’s a problem in a relationship and work hard to find solutions. It might take more time for someone on the spectrum to process what’s going on, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to handle disagreements.

8. People with autism can’t have long-term relationships

Wrong! People with autism are just as capable of having long-term relationships as anyone else — it just may take some extra effort at times. With patience and understanding from both partners, a meaningful connection can last for years.

9. People with autism don’t want relationships

This is a huge misconception that needs to be debunked! People on the spectrum often do want romantic relationships — they just might have difficulty finding them or expressing their feelings in a way that makes it easy for someone else to understand. It’s important to keep an open mind and heart when getting to know someone with autism and to always be patient and understanding.

Everyone’s Needs Are Different

With all of this in mind, if you’re considering entering into a relationship with someone on the autism spectrum, it’s important to remember that everyone’s needs are different — so take some time to get to know them and learn about their individual wants and needs. Be patient, understanding, and willing to communicate openly — this will go a long way in creating a lasting connection!

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of the complexities involved with dating and autism. Despite what some people may think, it is entirely possible for someone with autism to have a meaningful relationship. However, it does not have to be seen as a mountain that can’t be climbed. Relationship experts suggest taking it slow and building upon small victories. Don’t forget, communication is key in any relationship! Dating sites are growing in popularity these days and are especially helpful for those on the spectrum who may face social anxiety when going to traditional places to mingle. Join Special Bridge and start meeting new like-minded people today! Who knows– you may just meet your special someone while making new friends along the way!

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