Well I realize this is an old topic but I am new here so I’ll go ahead and put in my two cents worth. First of all let me say I am new to being disabled. I’ve only been in a wheelchair for 2 years. At the time of my injury I was in a relationship and we had been seeing each other for 6 years. After my accident when I was told I may never walk again she decided that the relationship was not working.
While yes it did hurt I am not sure I am ready to throw in the towel just yet. Do I think it will be easy to find love again? Yes. Will it be easy No. Are the odds against me? Yes. I do understand that the likelihood of me finding someone who will love me the way I am are slim. At the same time what I look for in a relationship and how I approach dating has changed. I don’t look to get into a romantic relationship with any lady. I know it will take time and for anyone to fall in love with someone like me would take a strong foundation in friendship. I no longer go into a relationship with romance as the end game. It is strictly friendship and then see what happens.