Hi to everyone. Yes I have a disease that nobody ever heard of. I have CRPS/RSD ever heard of it didn’t think so.
ok it’s Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. which is a nerve disease, it can effect any limb that was injured like you need surgery ( thats how I got it)
It can spread, some have on one side,some have it whole body, I’m one of the lucky one
I only have it in foot/ankle, it has spread up my leg now to about my knee.
I had a tear in my tendon my right foot. after my surgery my foot got worse. That when I was diagnosed with CRPS-2 so I have permanent nerve damage right foot can’t drive anymore, Most Dr. ‘s don’t even know what it is. My injury was due to abusive relationship
July 3 2012 started my down fall to my health.